This is the part I always struggle with… the “writing” of the blog. If you know me, that’s probably funny to you. I’m rather skilled. I can craft a funny tweet or post like nobody’s business but talking about my sessions and my photos is, for some reason, hard for me. Maybe it’s because I think it’s personal. What I do is really personal for me. I really want people to love their photos and the time they spend with me. I want them to walk away with a boost to their ego and the idea that having photos taken is not like getting teeth pulled.
Getting photos taken is kind of a big deal. It’s a way to document a big time in your life; it’s a means of celebration and it’s not lost on me that you trust me to do it. And when I actually know you… it’s even more personal. A lot of us share a social media life. We chat on facebook, comment on instagram or we tweet & retweet. But what happens away from our computer screens is real life and I’m blessed to share that real life with some great people. And Caroline’s family are among the great people in our real life.
Like most, we don’t get together often enough but when we do, it’s always fun. Caroline is bright and funny. She has a keen fashion sense and frankly, a really bright future. I can’t wait to see her path in life. I’m sure it will be fantastic! So glad I got to take her photos and spend some extra time with her. Enjoy the photos!