It happens every Spring. OSU graduation. Campus is full of excited people ready to take on the world with their fresh degrees. You can’t walk around campus without seeing graduates in caps and gowns soaking in their last days at The Ohio State University. I’m always thrilled to be one of the photographers trotting around campus! This one was special to me because of my connection to one of the graduates’ family.
Jacob (far right) is part of a family I absolutely adore!! His sister is a friend of my son and over the last several years, I’ve grown close with his mom. Those connections make my job that much more enjoyable. So… I met the guys on campus and we started at the Schott because Jacob was working there this year with the basketball team.

I don’t know yet if I have permission to share the images we took inside the Schott so… we’ll share this one and I’ll just tell you as a big ole Buckeye fan, this was a real treat and I know it meant a lot to Jacob because of his connection with the team.
No campus photoshoot is complete without a visit to the Shoe. It is such an iconic building and it feels like all the energy in Columbus is centered on that building every home game Saturday in the fall.

Jacob’s cap says it all. I love it!!
There is not a chance that you can do a graduation session on campus without a photo with this statue of a former president of the university. It’s iconic.

Fisher College of Business
These three friends are all graduating with degrees in finance so a photo with the signage was appropriate.

The building behind them is such a gorgeous piece of architecture. We were concerned because it is completely surrounded by chain link fencing but I found a workaround. I laid flat on the sidewalk, fully committing to the photo. (provided by Jeff)

Bottom line is I am absolutely certain these three have a bright future ahead and I’m glad I had the opportunity to document this exciting time in their journey.