Taking senior photos in Worthington is always a treat! I was really glad Nate picked this location!
Nate came to me as a referral. I am absolutely certain that you all know how happy and grateful I am when I get one of those. Honestly, my little business survives on them so, you know… No pressure… But… If you ever get the chance to pass my name along to someone in need of a photographer, I’d be very, very grateful!
I met Nate at the Worthington Inn.

The porch on that building never fails to offer an excellent photo op. Couple that brick texture with his look and we have set the bar for senior photos in Worthington. I mean… Look at him! The khaki pants and dress shirt combo totally works for him. He also has great hair!!

Behind the inn, there’s a parking lot with all kinds of great texture, including this wall of ivy. It was right about here, Nate really started to loosen up. His sense of humor made the session time pass by in a flash. I swear we walked ALL around the uptown area!

He and his mom did a great job with clothes. One dressier outfit and one more casual outfit. Personally, I’m a casual gal myself so… the hoodie and flannel is my favorite! It’s a really good idea to give yourself a mix of clothing options for your session. Two to three outfits is ideal
If you haven’t scheduled your senior photos yet, hit me up! I’d love to get you in front of my camera!